Sustantis - ESG Automation To Scale Your Business

Project Scope



ESG Automation Platform

Users can reach up to 90% time improvements and 70% cost reductions by providing their clients with their own private cloud to easy connect to their information. Algorithms are used to organize data under ESG and financial themes with source verification and traceability.

How can we organize data in the visual way and facilitate the secure and consistent data exchange?
Platform helps to automate the collection of detailed reliable information of clients of any size in a few clicks.

1. Project requirement gathering

2. Competitor analysis

3. User flow creation

4. Wireframing

5. Hi-Fi design and prototyping

User Flow
Accessible Design System
I redesigned the product and prepared
a demo for investor meetings

Product UI

Onboarding wizard

The product goal is to empower cross-company collaboration

Manual upload feature

Side Navigation

Data sharing modals

Data Portal

Before / After Sign Up screen

Before / After Log In screen

Before / After Dashboard

Environmental: Investors evaluate corporate climate policies, energy use, waste, pollution, natural resource conservation, and treatment of animals. 

Social: A company’s relationships with internal and external stakeholders are evaluated.

Governance: Ensures a company uses accurate and transparent accounting methods, pursues integrity and diversity in selecting its leadership, and is accountable to shareholders.

Mobile Adaptation: Biometric Verification
