Insights -
onboarding made simple

Project Scope


Project Goal

The goal of the project is to create UI/UX designs of Web App onboarding screens for a Silicon Valley innovative company DreamStart Labs for X Studio agency. The company goal is to help people in developing countries through technology. My role in the project is to focus on visual UI design aspect. For Insights project it is important to make sure that the experience is user friendly. We also used illustration and animation to make the onboarding process go smoothly and to engage new users.

How can we help large organizations to onboard new users as quickly and easy as possible?

One of the user groups in the app were managers from various NGO’s. Such companies have a lot of users that need to be invited to the app. This process is often tedious and involves a lot of frustration.

Large user groups can now be onboarded faster thanks to the new onboarding flow

The product simplifies monitoring and assessing savings groups’ data for NGOs (non governmental organizations).

software prototype 58 screens

Starting screen of onboarding.
Easily accessible road map for users to start onboarding

Custom Flat Vector Illustrations

Interactive Animation

getting started user guide

Email design: Forgot Password

other screens

Batch action feature in a table.
Tooltip to help guide the users

Batch import a list of users from an Excel file

UI Components

Live Insights onboarding prototype