Creaticles - Transforming ideas into NFTs Platform

Project Scope



The world's first bespoke NFT platform

Creaticles is a platform that allows users to request and receive custom-made NFTs through a contest model. Users submit detailed requests for NFTs, set terms including deadlines and budgets, and select from submissions made by a community of artists. The platform facilitates the minting of the chosen NFTs for use in various applications, supported by its native $CRE8 token, which also enables voting in community decisions and earning rewards.

The product needed a redesign because it looked too technical and visually complex
I redesigned the website landing page as well as all the product screens and improved the user experience
Accessible Design System
I redesigned the both the website and the
product screens and developed new visual direction



Website Redesign

Real website design, in the end the colors were updated
